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Cryogenix BMW 330 Race Car

The Next Deep Cryo Process date is


Back-to-back trial of Cryo treated brke discs

Back in 2021 we ran a trial with one Cryo'd disc on the left front and one untreated disc on the right front for a direct comparison on wear rates.

We used a regular pair of Brembo discs pruchased from a popular auto parts retailer and ran them for the whole season.

At the end of the trial we saw the propagation of small cracks was significantly less on the treated disc, and there were no large cracks developing at all.

Not Cryo Treated brake disc
Cryo Treated brake disc

Proud member of

British Cryo Council Kimbolton
Frozen Solid Kimbolton

Cryogenix Ltd

Unit 2 Slater Court

Harrier Way





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